28 Sep 2020 With asthma, sometimes you may feel your breathing is fine, but when you measure it with a peak flow meter your lung function is slightly 


The Smart Peak Flow is a compact, self-monitoring digital peak expiratory flow meter (PEFM) for respiratory condition such as asthma. Patients blow into the mouthpiece three times so the accompanying app can take and record the patients peak flow measurement in the comfort of their home.

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Smart asthma peak flow

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Check your Asthma Action Plan. Remember to always use the same peak flow meter. Asthma control in your pocket. Smart peak flow is a compact digital peak expiratory flow meter (PEFM) that connects to any Android and iOS smartphone. Using the Smart Peak Flow app, users can take and record their peak flow measurement in the comfort of their own home and share the results with their healthcare professional. Smart Peak Flow to urządzenie przeznaczone do monitorowania czynności płuc (PEF). Wybierz pikflometr w zestawie z adapterem!

Personalized Approach to Severe Asthma2018In: BioMed Research Combined Use of Lifecycle Management and IoT in Smart Cities2017In: 2017 11th Towards Distributed Visualization and Analysis of Large Flow Data2005In: JSME Conclusions: Gender differences in power production and peak aerobic capacity 

Connect the digital Smart Peak Flow helps you stay on top of your Asthma using smart sensor technology. Your ideal companion whether you want to keep to your action plan, exercise more or take care of your child. Why use Smart Peak Flow? • Peak flow meter & calculator - Accurate peak flow readings with medical grade CE certified sensors.

Smart asthma peak flow

Peak flow meters are portable devices for measuring peak expiratory flow rate ( PEFR) or how much air a person with asthma can move out of their lungs in one 

Smart asthma peak flow

It took about 10 minutes of forcing slow, steady breathe to finally breathe again. Home Home Care Smart Asthma Peak Flow. Previous product. Fetal Monitor - F30 Back to products Next product. QT Scanner – Transmission and Reflection Ultrasound Click to enlarge. Smart Asthma Peak Flow.

The meter is a small reusable device, it measures your peak flow using light sensor technology and Smart Peak Flow is an application for improving the lives of those that suffer from asthma.
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Smart asthma peak flow

Then, in  8 May 2020 Smart Respiratory Products Ltd, London, UK. 2 authors.

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MIR Smart One is a pocket-sized, personal spirometer that measures your peak flow rate and FEV1 through a Bluetooth connection to your phone or tablet. The Smart One spirometer is ideal for self-management of asthma and COPD from a smart phone. Features: Measures Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) and Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second (FEV1) in

Reusable Mouthpiece.